Friday, August 14, 2015

You've successfully redeemed your coupon

You've successfully redeemed your coupon


Dear Bing Ads customer,

You've successfully redeemed your coupon and can see your coupon balance on the Billing tab in Bing Ads.

Account name: OWS
Account number: B010EB9S
08/14/2015Coupon xx4DF8: 100.00 (USD)

Remember that the coupon can only be used to pay for future advertising charges, not an existing balance. Also, you must use the coupon by the expiration date or within 90 days of redeeming the coupon, whichever comes first.

Thank you for using Bing Ads!


The Bing Ads team

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Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052

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