Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We have seen performance changes in your account.

We have seen performance changes in your account.

Dear Bing Ads customer,

The performance of the following account has changed for the time period of (08/04/2015 - 08/10/2015) compared to (08/11/2015 - 08/17/2015)

Account number: B010EB9S
Account name: OWS

SPEND per week


CLICKS per week




(+.00 %)

We have identified the top campaigns and ad groups that drove this change.
View Top Movers Report

Learn more about Bing Ads top movers report .

Thank you for using Bing Ads.

The Bing Ads team

Do not reply to this email message. It was sent from an automated account that is not monitored for responses. For questions or concerns regarding your account, contact the Bing Ads Support team. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, read our online Privacy Statement.

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052

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