Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Official 2015 Annual Report Notice for: GOT UPS LLC

As of April 20, 2015, our records indicate the 2015 Annual Report
for GOT UPS LLC, document number L14000039670, has not been filed.
The report must be filed on the records of this office on or
before May 1, 2015, to avoid the additional $400 non-negotiable
late fee as required by law.

This email notification was programmatically scheduled on April
21st. Business entities whose annual reports were not posted
on www.sunbiz.org as of April 20th, received this notice. If
this entity has since filed its 2015 Annual Report form, please
disregard this email. You may verify the entity's 2015 Annual
Report filing on www.sunbiz.org.

Florida Statutes require all Corporations, Limited Liability
Companies and Limited Partnerships to file an Annual Report to
maintain "active" status and avoid administrative dissolution
or revocation. Failure to file the 2015 Annual Report by September
25th, as required by law, will result in the entity's administrative
dissolution or revocation. If administratively dissolved or
revoked, the entity may reinstate by paying the required annual
report filing fee and the additional non-negotiable reinstatement

Filing instructions are available on our website, www.sunbiz.org.
Use only www.sunbiz.org. Do not be misled by other sites. Our
home page contains a banner at the top of the page stating 'Florida
Department of State, Division of Corporations.' Payment may
be made by credit card, check or through an established sunbiz

File now! It is easy,
quick and secure.

"File Early,


April 2015 Annual Report Email

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